My Goals for 2016

Saturday, 2 January 2016

This year, I wanted to do something a little bit different for my New Year's Resolution; I wanted to give myself little goals to fill monthly, such as going out for a meal once a month or visiting three new places. It took me a while to think of what I want to accomplish this year, but I finally came to 12 (my lucky number) goals I challenge myself to do this year.

1. Go out for a meal at least once a month
2. Read 25 books
3. Start a new creative project
4. Document life more
5. Save for Florida
6. Graduate with a good grade
7. Work, work, work
8. Drink more water
9. Visit three new places
10. Take more walks
11. Finish half-done projects
12. Try something new

After I worked through my goals in detail, I’m excited (and also a little nervous) to see how well I achieve my goals this year.

What are your goals for 2016?
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